Sunday, August 3, 2014

'You're the Worst' is actually the best

I’m not even going to apologize for the pun in the title. Blame You’re the Worst creator Stephen Falk for titling his show as such, when the actual show itself is not the 'worst' by any means.

I wanted to write this a week ago, but I figured I should watch the third episode to make sure the first two weren’t a fluke. They weren't. You’re the Worst is one of the best new comedies to debut on television in recent memory. 

The show centers around two adults: Jimmy and Gretchen. The former is played by Chris Geere, who’s frequent exasperated expressions are always on the mark. His incredulous yelling, as he is prone to do, is even funnier when heard in his British accent. Gretchen, whom actress Aya Cash embodies with a mix of self- deprecating charm and an absolutely no-holds-barred attitude. 

The two meet in the pilot at Jimmy’s ex-girlfriend wedding and proceed to hook up. Their relationship is purely physical at first, but as the show progresses, there is a certain amount of emotional intimacy that develops, too.

But, seeing as how neither are particularly crazy about the idea of “settling down” they seem perfectly happy to continue on as maybe-dating. It does get to the point where Jimmy is jealous about the idea of someone else sleeping with Gretchen, and Gretchen slowly lets down her walls and can maybe see Jimmy become someone important in her life.

You’re the Worst has yet to falter - again, there’s only been three episodes - but the way it allows these characters to be selfish and insulting, demeaning and most of all, truthful, is ultimately refreshing. It doesn’t bullshit with the viewers. Jimmy will not pretend to like you and engage in small talk. Gretchen tells it like it is, she speaks her mind and isn’t going to back down.

Then there's Edgar, whom actor Desmin Borges describes in his Twitter bio as the "least worst" person on You're the Worst. And he's probably right. A war vet with PTSD, and recovering drug addict without much direction in the world, he lives with (and cooks for) Jimmy, has befriended Gretchen and provides much of the humor on the show. 

(Photo credit: You're the Worst Facebook)
Honestly, his performance in the second episode was so on point, every expression made me laugh out loud. 

Kether Donohue rounds out the main cast as Gretchen's best friend, Lindsay. A woman always trying the latest fad diet (for reasons unknown to me, she looks fantastic, it's a strange character trait, or flaw) and married to a bore of a man. She could be used as Gretchen’s insult punching bag, but she holds her own with an incredibly polished and put-together look, and facial expressions that could make me cower.

All in all, it stands to reason that these people are not actually “the worst” - unless Gretchen starts murdering people and Jimmy begins cooking meth - but for now, they do remain fairly terrible people who tell it like it is. 

Honestly, it is no surprise I love this show. The humor is dark and dry and it is one hell of an entertaining half-hour. It's almost worth it to record all of them just so I could binge the entire season in one weekend. But I am weak, and don't have the will power to wait that long. 

Season 1 is just ten episodes and boy do I hope a season 2 pick-up is on its way.

You’re the Worst airs Thursdays at 10:30 p.m. on the FX Network. Check it out.

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