Friday, March 14, 2014

Why I think #100HappyDays is an important project

A few weeks ago, my Instagram feed was bombarded by pictures of my friends, gorgeous sunsets, and food. Nothing too out of the ordinary, except they were all hashtagged (hashtag-ed?) #100HappyDays.

After doing some digging (googling), I was directed to and read up about it. Basically, the premise is that you post a picture of something that makes you happy on a social media site everyday for 100 days.

The premise of #100happydays
You 'sign up' to keep track of your photos, but it's not like you get a big prize if you complete the challenge, nor are you penalized if you don't. Honor system, folks.

Now, life can be hard sometimes. You have really crappy days that require more than the serving size printed on a pint of Ben & Jerry's. It's those times that you need to remember the Happy Days more than ever. That's why I signed up. Because, even if it's something as simple as comfort food or playing my favorite song, that can pass as my day's photo.

It's hard to photograph 'happy.' It's like how you can't see 'success,' but you can see evidence of it: the nice watch, expensive clothes, material objects.

I've been participating for just about four weeks and have posted a myriad of photos on my Instagram. Cups of fro yo I got with friends, the program from The Book of Mormon which I finally saw last week in Baltimore, my NBC pillow, a my haircut, a sunrise from my morning run... like I said, it ranges.

So, can I be happy for 100 days? Sure. 90% of my day might be sad, but I can find something to make me happy, to make me smile. And that's why it's important to participate in this project, to remind ourselves that life isn't always bad.

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