Saturday, January 4, 2014

Website name change... it's a marathon, not a sprint

I am very indecisive. It might be one of my worst qualities (right up there with the classic 'I'm too much of a perfectionist'), but it takes me ages to decide to do something. I'm a disaster at trying to pick Instagram filters. I'll have five options for dinner and it'll take me all afternoon to decide which to cook.

And don't get me started on purses and shoes. I'll fall in love with a bag in a store, leave it, think about it for a month or two or six, and then get it. But, this also shows I'm careful, tread lightly where it counts, and have that 'if you think about it three times after you see it, you know you really want it' mentality.

Anyways, as I have mentioned this blog name will likely change - as it already has once (from Sparkly Bows and Cable Knits, for those wondering). Call it indecisiveness, call it an evolutionary process, but I've been toying with names for two months and think I'm finally happy with what I have - Ampersand New York - but I do not like the image I created. Those rings (yes, those are rings on my finger in that image) were gifts for Christmas and I just love whatever it could mean - like there's Something & New York.

This is the full image that I had to cut it way way down to make the header image. I'll be playing with some other images for who knows how long, but I think I'm finally happy about the site name. Baby steps. Rome wasn't built in a day. 

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