Thursday, July 24, 2014

FOMO, SDCC and You

Working for an online entertainment website is wonderful. I get to talk about television with people who are cut from the same cloth, make friends from all of the world, and my pop culture knowledge is off the charts. It's especially nice at Hypable because we're given a lot of creative freedom to write what we like. We are a site that is "for fans, by fans," after all, so anything that we are passionate about, we're encouraged to write about.


All that being said, there is also one major downfall to being in this entertainment world: San Diego Comic-Con. Specifically, my lack of attendance at the convention.

(Photo credit: Andrew Sims)
At this point, there's something for everyone at Comic-Con. Yes, at its core, there are still panels and sections of the vendor hall dedicated to comic books, video games and everything that comes with those universes, but there are television shows like The Blacklist and Once Upon a Time and television/online hybrid Community. There are panels for movies such as the Marvel franchise and Disney ventures. The glitz and glamour of fancy Hollywood parties have creeped into SDCC's evening plans over the years (disclaimer: I have no idea if this is a new thing or not. Has social media simply made the partying more evident?)

Zachary Levi, one of my favorite actors in recent memory, sits at the helm of Nerd Machine's Nerd HQ where there are daily "Conversations" with various celebrities. This year's schedule has Jensen Ackles And Jared Padalecki, Felicia Day, Joss Whedon and Yvonne Strahovski. Thankfully, these are sometimes live-streamed. If not, you can definitely find write-ups of them online the next day.

Suffice to say, pretty much a solid 70% of the pop culture I love has a presence at SDCC. Therefore (ergo?) it's a safe bet that many other people on the Hypable staff like it too. There are probably about 10 people representing the site in San Diego right now. As press, they're granted access to certain interviews and red carpet events, and as convention goers, they'll attend panels that I'd kill to attend (such as the aforementioned Once Upon A Time).

So naturally, I am jealous. As enviously green as the wicked witch. The FOMO has morphed into a I-Know-I'm-Missing-Out feeling, and I just have to accept that. Thankfully, I am not the only one on the Hypable staff who couldn't attend and are suffering from behind their computer screens like I am. Misery loves company, so we have bonded together online in the wake of our friends bonding IRL at speakeasy bars and hotel rooms.

This is the third year I've actively wanted to attend SDCC so it's no surprise that it didn't work out. Real-life work always gets in the way and unless I'm unemployed next year (or score an awesome job that actually allows me to go representing them in some capacity), I don't think that'll change any time soon.

In the meantime, I leave you with a recommendation to read an amazing article about how to cope with not being at SDCC by my friend Danielle and the image I was tagged in on Facebook this morning: 

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